plan your visit
Whether you’re making a quick stop or want to spend the day, find all of the information you need to make the most of your visit to Classen Curve & Nichols Hills Plaza.
- hours
Classen Curve and Nichols Hills Plaza are open 7 days a week. Individual retailer, restaurant, department store and holiday hours may vary. Guests are encouraged to contact their favorite retailer prior to visiting. Click here to view Classen Curve & Nichols Hills Plaza retailer list.
- Monday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Thursday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Friday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Saturday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
- Sunday: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
- directions
Conveniently located at the intersections of Classen & NW Grand and Western & 63rd.
- parking
Classen Curve and Nichols Hills Plaza offer convenient and ample parking for all guests. In addition to general and handicap parking, many retailers feature parking accommodations steps from their front doors. Classen Curve and Nichols Hills Plaza make it easy to park so you have more time to explore.
things to do
Classen Curve and Nichols Hills Plaza go way beyond just shopping. We’re proud to offer a retailer mix that includes pampering, fitness activities, and wellness experiences.

about us
Classen Curve and Nichols Hills Plaza are Oklahoma City’s premier outdoor shopping destinations offering market-exclusive brands and locally-owned specialty shops to residents and tourists alike.Classen Curve hosts Red Coyote’s Pack Pint Run every Thursday evening. And Nichols Hills Plaza hosts a variety of annual events include Redbud Classic, Boo Bash, and CK & Company’s Fashion for a Passion.
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plan your stay
Classen Curve and Nichols Hills Plaza proud to call Oklahoma City home and count the The Ellison Hotel, Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club, The Oklahoma City Zoo, Myriad Botancial Gardens, and Scissortail Park as part of our community. Check out our local guide to help you plan what to see and where to stay in Oklahoma City.

code of conduct
The health and safety of our guests, retailers and employees is always paramount and our top priority. We are focused on providing a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. We ask all guests to conduct themselves in a safe and respectful way in accordance with our Code of Conduct and all laws and local ordinances.
work from here
Nichols Hills Plaza offers a variety of office spaces from 140 to 1400 sqaure feet. Short-term and long-term options available. All utilities and daily housekeeping included. Shared amenities includes restrooms, conference room, and breakroom.

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